Self-Worth & Boundaries


Combatting Shame and Building Self-Worth

One question I often ask my clients is, “What would life look like for you if you chose to operate out of a place of worth?” Many struggle with this, and some can’t picture what it would be like to act as though they are worthy and enough. I am passionate about helping my clients move past their trauma so they can find that place of worth and experience the freedom that it can so greatly bring.

Issues with self-worth may show up in the following ways:

  • perfectionism / never feeling good enough

  • lack of healthy boundaries / inability to say no

  • codependency

  • staying in toxic relationships

  • an overwhelming feeling of responsibility or that everything is your fault

  • burn-out / caregiver burn-out

  • symptoms of depression or anxiety

  • lack of self-care / feelings of guilt when exercising self-care

  • imposter syndrome / feelings of fraudulence